Hello, I’m Lucas. #This is the regular lecture schedule for May 2023 to learn tarot. In this post, only the basics, interpretation, and practical lectures of #TarotCard will be delivered, and the schedule related to color tarot, symbol theory, astrology, and wheel tarot of time will be posted separately.
This May #TarotCardLearning Class will be a beginner’s lecture on basics, an intermediate lecture on interpretation and reading, and an advanced lecture on practical practice. If it is difficult to interpret simple 3 cards, I recommend #TarotBasicLecture, #TarotInterpretationLecture, which is difficult to use the arrangement method well, and #TarotActualLecture, which is difficult to consult in practice.
Tarot cards are not tools that simply end in theory or can be used in theory alone. Therefore, it is still possible to make meaningful use only when you learn how to actually use it and how to use it. You can think of basic lectures to learn the meaning of 78 tarot cards in detail and interpretation lectures to learn how to use them in practice as basic courses for using tarot.
Basic lecture on tarot learning (beginner) – 3 p.m. on Friday, May 19th, 8 weeks course once a week, 240,000 won per month (card payment and installment, consumption tax not included) tarot beginner’s lecture is for beginners and beginners. It is also recommended for those who have studied with books or have not been able to organize 78 cards in detail. This is the process of knowing that tarot cards are not just picture cards.

Taro is a work that harmonizes fairly logical and systematic elements. Each card has its own meaning, and it uses various means to convey its meaning and contains many hints. In the tarot basics class, you can learn very important things that are the most basic for sufficient application in practical counseling. You don’t have to worry about memorizing keywords or writing picture books. Feel free to listen and understand!
Intermediate Interpretation Lecture – It is time to learn the basic meaning of Tarot Card, which will be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 17 and Saturday, May 20 at 11 a.m., once a week, for 6 weeks, 360,000 won (card payment available, consumption tax excluded). Taro is a tool for consultation, so if you can’t actually interpret and read, it’s meaningless. I’ll teach you how to do that!

What I always emphasize is the difference between the questioner and the leader. From the point of view of the questioner who pays to ask questions, we must be in the position of tarot leaders to solve them. However, the gap between the two is much further than I thought. So many people must be having a hard time studying tarot thinking from the point of view of the questioner. Through an intermediate course in tarot learning, you can find a starting point and direction to become a real tarot leader.
Practical (high-end) lecture on tarot learning – Saturday, May 13th at 3 p.m., 6-week course once a week, 420,000 won (card payment available, value added tax excluded) If you have some skills as a tarot leader, you can go to the field and consult. There are individual differences, but if you take beginner and intermediate classes hard and practice hard, you can jump in enough. Tarot practical classes are recommended for those who want to prepare more thoroughly and completely after or before that.

The same question is asked in various situations and sentences, sometimes without proper information, sometimes with lies or tricks, sometimes with people who ask questions even though they don’t know well. Even if I explain with 100 examples, you can see the 101st case. You won’t be able to learn all the cases and be on the field, but it will be an opportunity to communicate as much as possible what you have experienced, felt and studied as a tarot leader in your 13th year. Be a real talented tarot leader!Lucas Tarot & Astrology